2023 Five Boro Bike Tour

On Sunday, May 7th, Christodora board members, staff, and alum gathered in lower Manhattan to join the thousands participating in the 5 Boro Bike Tour. In its 45th year, this 40-mile ride starts in Manhattan, travels up through the Bronx, down into Queens and Brooklyn, and ends, at last, at Staten Island. The Tour was a first for Christodora and for most of our riders. Our riders had a great time, and several team members (as well as those following along with the journey) have expressed interest in participating in the Tour again next year. Thanks to your generous support, we raised over $14,000 to date! More city youth will be able to challenge themselves on the trail, listen to the crickets on night hikes, and discover a vibrant ecosystem here in the city! Thank you for making our inaugural Tour an incredible success. 


Alumni & Board Weekend at Manice


Meet Salma Choudhury-Muro, Christodora’s new Executive Director